Thursday, December 18, 2014

The One with the Confession

So friends and family… I have a CONFESSION… I’m coming out…. And admitting that I have a PROBLEM. I have an ADDICTION! Now some of you are jumping to conclusions, thinking to yourself, is she addicted to alcohol? Drugs? I never saw the signs. Well here’s the thing, no it’s not alcohol and no, it’s not drugs. It’s a little thing call Mr. Pibb & Pepsi. Yes, I am addicted to soda. I drink soda for breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack. I have my soda on the rocks when I take a bath. When I’m not drinking soda, I am daydreaming about it. So you see, I have a MAJOR problem. I’m a Health & Nutrition Major, I should know better than to drink the heavenly goodness of carbonated, caramel colored drinks. Keep in mind that I work full time and I have a 2 month old baby that likes to stay away in the middle of the night. Drinking caffeine is what gets me through the day. Oh and of course, the night. Addicted…..??? YES!!

The first step of a recovering sodaholic is ADMITTING one has a problem, right? Consider this my ADMISSION. I, AMANDA DANIELLE NORDFELT, AM A SODAHOLIC.

Whew, now that I have that confession off my chest, I am now going to make a committed plan. I am quitting the delicious caramelized, carbonated, caffeinated beverages COLD TURKEY! That’s right! Cold Turkey it is. Yeah, yeah, I know that quitting cold turkey is probably a bad idea. But hear me out. By saying, “I will have 3 sodas this week, 2 next week, etc.” doesn’t work for me. I am a cheater. I cheat, I rationalize, I come up with excuses to have JUST ONE MORE. So here is my public announcement, I will be quitting soda cold turkey for 21 days. It takes 21 days to make a habit, 21 days to stick with something.

Why quit soda you ask? Well we all know that soda is LOADED with carbs, sugars, HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP and a bunch of other gunk. My body is feeling sluggish, I’m getting weird bumps and rashes and I can’t keep my eyes open (even with 44 ounces of caffeine). My belly is growing, when it should be shrinking and I’m always nauseous. The soda is bringing me down in BIG ways so I’m going to be a BIG girl and say “NO MORE”. 

So here’s to my 21 days of headaches, grumpiness and a HEALTHIER body!